Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Buonasera People!!! I miss you all so much (I actually have no idea if anyone reads this so.....) but anyways it has been a very busy week since I have last updated you all. It finally feels like I have started my real life here in Florence. I have only been here 8 days but it feels like forever, which is bittersweet. I feel like I already have a feel for this amazing city that I am SO fortunate to live in and I am really enjoying myself. On Friday we had to go to the school to get our permission to stay work for the Italian police which lasted all of five minutes but we had to wake up at the crack of dawn!!...aka 9am... After an amazing nap my roommates and I decided to venture out to find the pizza place where Jersey Shore worked (Mom and Dad: this means Snooki and her Guido friends, the ones you hate) and the pizza was delicious...no surprise there, seems to be a common theme in my life. The place is called O' Vesuvio Pizzeria and has a bunch of the casts clothes hanging up on the ceiling. It has definitely become a tourist type place since the show aired and you could tell the real italians in there were not amused by my friends and I snapping pictures of Snooki’s bras that were hanging from the ceiling. Later that night we ventured out onto the town to a local american bar because we are still not comfortable enough to go to the real italian places. We ended up meeting a lot of different kids from different programs and making some new friends. Saturday was our leisure day and we were fortunate enough to sleep in and finally try to not be so jet lagged. Later that day we took an Art History Tour with an American who now lives her. She ended up being super nice and even asked me and some friends to babysit her 3 year old! Strange but I may take her up on the offer...a couple extra euro’s never hurt anyone! We walked around for 2 hours to different famous places within the city and I definitely learned a lot and took tons of pictures. Here are some of my favorite pictures: 
Piazza Della Repubblica

River Arno

My Roommates and I 

Little Market!!

Fresh Fruit!

The tour guide told us that it is a tradition that if you are in 
Florence and are in love then you buy a lock and lock it to 
somewhere on the Ponte Vecchio bridge and throw the key
 into the Arno River. So cute, these locks are everywhere!

Later on Saturday my roommates and I hung around because we had an early wake up call to go to IKEA then Pisa for the day. IKEA is literally my worst nightmare. Everything is everywhere and people just run around with bags full of crap and there are no signs. My anxiety was through the roof!! I did manage to get some towels, a pillow and a blanket which made my room seem much more settled and home like. After this we went got back on the bus and headed towards pisa.......Ohhhhhh Pisa...I despise you. There is LITERALLY nothing to do in this town. We arrived and walked through the worst part of town just full of people trying to sell you stuff and then we saw the leaning tower and the cathedral. That was it. Obviously everyone takes those really dorky pictures of themselves trying to hold up the tower. I really tried not to do one but was peer pressured....Here it is...... 
Soooo Dorky!

Everyone stood in front of the tower taking these pictures doing different positions of holding it up for hours! Like SO dorky and SO weird! We then found it funny to take pictures of random people doing it....
So Funny
After we stared at the tower for 20 min we decided to go grab something for lunch and luckily found a small little deli with a delicious panini. After that we walked through the Cathedral for a couple minutes...then we got so bored and cold that we went to McDonalds to sit in the warmth. Pisa is THAT boring. I’m pretty sure I got this point across already but for those of you who didn’t get it...Pisa was not my favorite. 
Monday was our first day of classes and so far so good kind of! The classes are definitely a little bit more challenging than I expected and we are not allowed to skip 2 or we get automatic failures. Hopefully this will change throughout the semester because that makes it really hard to travel around as much as we want. I also have my first painting class tomorrow and I am really nervous for that since I do not have an artistic bone in my body! But I guess I will just have to learn/learn to laugh at myself. Today I had my first Italian class and it is seminar style so there are 8 of us that sit around a table and attempt to say Ciao correctly. I am definitely really excited to at least learn a little bit of Italian in order to make life here a little bit easier. It also snowed today, which I guess is a HUGE deal. My one roommate heard that one year it snowed less than an inch and bus drivers abandoned the buses and people turned their cars off on the highway and just slept there....Definitely confusing for me since I grew up in Antarctica aka Cleveland, OH where I was used to 4 inches of snow a day. We got two separate emails from the school warning us of the impending half an inch of snow and warning us that we need to not be dependent on the bus system within the next few days. Stores are already planning on closing. Crazy Italians. It’s just snow!! 
Speaking of snow, some friends and I have officially booked a couple trips. We booked a trip to Interlacken, Switzerland! We plan on going night sledding and some skydiving..Don’t worry Mom..not me, too much of a chicken! Tory and I also booked our flights for Spring Break, we are going to London, Galway (to visit Mary!!) and Dublin. This upcoming weekend we are going to Assisi, Perugia, Siena, and San Gimignano with our school. The next weekend I go to Rome and the following weekend is Carnivale, which is basically a big parade/carnival throughout Italy, so my friends and I are going to Venice and Veraggio. So I have some pretty exciting stuff coming up! Keeping busy and planning these trips are definitely helping me not think about being so far away from home. This is all definitely an adjustment and people don’t really talk about how it can be difficult sometimes. It is all worth it in the end! You just have to keep your eye on the final goal; growing up and learning more and more about myself! Can’t wait to talk to you all soon! Con Amore, Erin