Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hi Everyone! I am SO sorry for neglecting you all for two weeks!!!! I just went back to reading my first blog and I can’t even begin to describe to you all how long ago those days feel like. This past sunday marked our 3rd week here in Florence. TIME IS FLLYYYINNN!!! Obviously I cannot go through day by day events since it’s been 2 weeks since my last post so I will just inform you all on the most important events. I previously told you guys how I was nervous about my painting class......well.....that was an experience. I walked into the class and all the other students were Art majors and I am very very veryyyyy far from that. My teacher had to help me draw a sphere while the kid sitting next to me was drawing a gargoyle!! Let’s just say, tears were shed and I fought my way out of the class, much to the dismay of FUA (the home institution, which stinks). All my other classes are going pretty well. My Italian class is really fun and laid back but we do have our first quiz on monday so we will see how that goes. I am also taking an Italian American Experience class for my sociology major and it’ s really cool, right up my alley and the professor...well that’s a different story. My holocaust and History of Photography classes are just kind of what I expected, boring but not too bad. But enough of this boring learning crap!!! Let’s get to traveling! 
Two weekends ago we were supposed to go to Perugia, Assisi, San Gimiganio, and Siena with Fairfield but unfortunately that trip was cancelled because of the “snow”. It barely even snowed. Everyone is crazy. Although I was really upset because I wanted to see all these Italian towns, it was really nice to have a weekend here in Florence, especially because it looks as if the weekends here are going to be rare with all the traveling we are going to be doing. The weather here is definitely a LOT colder than I thought. Mom- you were right, I should have brought some warmer socks! (I hate when she’s right....all the time). BUT it finally seems like it is going to warm up soon. Unfortunately the weather did not hold out for my trip to rome this past weekend with my Cultural Introduction to Italy class. My teacher for the class is absolutely crazy. I cannot tell if she is actually legit crazy or just funny. She brought her parents and my Italian American Experience teacher on the trip with us. Apparently they are very good friends and he is going to travel with us for all the trips. The whole weekend my friends were trying to figure out if they were dating or not...turns out they aren’t and my heart literally broke. UGH. They are perfect for each other! Maybe I will play matchmaker. ANYWAY.
We left Florence super early on Friday morning, like 7am. Obviously we had a 30min walk to the bus and I was wearing shoes that gave me blisters so it was not a great start. I took a nap on the bus and woke up in a random italian bus stop/winter wonderland. It was snowing so hard and everyone was falling everywhere. By the time we got to Rome the weather calmed down a little bit, but between the early start and the cold, I wasn’t super excited for the trip. We spent our first day touring the Vatican. Now, I am going to sound like a huge brat here, but I have seen the Vatican twice before and as beautiful as it is....I just was not in the mood. We walked around for 3 hours then of course as soon as the outside portion of the tour began, it started sleeting/raining/snowing. It was not pretty.
 It was such a shame for those who hadn’t seen the Vatican before because it is so amazing when the weather is nice.  After the Vatican we had some free time then we all went to dinner and had some amazing pizza and bruschetta! After dinner some of my friends and I decided to go to the famous Ice Bar in Rome for a quick drink. This place is so cool. The whole entire bar is made out of ice and you have to wear these really big coats on over your regular coats because it is freezing inside. Even though it is really expensive, it is definitely an experience
Tory and I at the Ice Bar
They even have really cool igloos that have seats in them. The glasses that you get your drink in are made of pure ice. It was a really fun place to go but you cannot stay there for more than 20 minutes because it is so cold. My friends and I had a lot of fun but we were ready to go back to the hotel once we were done with our drinks. 
Little Igloo!
On Saturday we woke up early and toured around the city a little bit more. When I told my Italian class that I was going to Rome some girl told me to bring my rain boots and she literallllyyy saved my life. THANK GOD I had those. Everyone else was walking through the slush in their tennis shoes and I was prancing around, jumping through puddles! We walked around all day and saw a bunch of churches (which now all blend together) the spanish steps, Trevi Fountain, and Pantheon. Unfortunately the Pantheon was closed because of the weather and the spanish steps were blocked off, but my crazy teacher found away that so we could walk around them for a little bit. 
Spanish Steps

Trevi Fountain
While we were walking back to the hotel we found Victor Emmanuel, which is a monument for some of the soldiers that died while fighting for Italy’s independence. More importantly, Victor and I go way back. When I was a Junior in High School my cousins and I got to go visit my brother who was studying abroad in Rome (Best Christmas present ever!) and it was at this monument that my cousin Ben told us that Victor Emmanuel will help you get anywhere. Well thank GOD for that. Throughout the week long trip my cousins and I got lost multiple times but  we somehow found Victor and he would lead us home. So far this weekend in Rome was disappointing because of the weather but as soon as I found Victor, I felt right at home and it brought back some great memories and reminded me of how thankful I am to have such a great family. Later on that night I was able to meet up with my roommates from Providence who are all studying abroad in Rome. It was the perfect night with them. We went out to dinner and then went to a famous bar in Rome that was close to my hotel. It was so nice to see them and I, once again, felt right at home. I will even be seeing this upcoming weekend! 
PC in Rome!
On Sunday we woke up early, checked out of the hotel and went to the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Pantheon again. Once again, the Colosseum and Roman Forum were closed because of the weather but we walked around the outside and our teachers gave us a quick synopsis of the historical significance. Heres another dorky solo shot. Not even sure when these became socially acceptable but I guess the are when you’re traveling around the globe and sending pictures to family members? That’s what I am going to keep telling myself. 
Luckily, the Pantheon was open on Sunday and we were able to go inside. No matter how many times I see this thing, I am still going to be confused as to how there isn’t a ceiling! Romans are Cray!!!! (just kidding...but seriously). Thankfully, it warmed up a bit and we walked around with our class and I made some great new friends on the trip and learned a lot of italian through my teachers. But by the end of the day it was definitely time to go home to Florence. The whole trip I caught myself saying “I can’t wait to just get home” It is so strange that now Florence is home. I even found myself getting homesick for Florence. This city is amazing and as much as I like Rome, I am so glad that I picked Florence and I can’t wait to be here for like 3 more months, not even!  This weekend we are going to Venice and Viareggio for Carnival and I am looking forward to finally experiencing carnival. I have never been to Venice and it has always been on the top of my list! I can’t wait! Although I did just read that they don’t have a sewer all the household waste just goes into the water that you ride those little boats in........which is disgusting...Let’s just hope it doesn’t smell as bad as I am expecting. I will keep you all informed obviously! Miss you all! Ciao! Erin

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, Erin!! What a great blog! I love hearing about all your adventures and seeing your smiling face in all those pictures! So glad you are doing your best to stay warm!! Love, your mother!!
